Thank you to the following corporations, foundations, individuals, and organizations for their generous financial support of Leadership Northeast. Your contributions help develop leaders from all segments of the community. Thanks to you and other friends, Leadership Northeast will continue to serve and inspire future leaders in our community.

Erica Acosta
Phil Amend
Mark Angelo
Stacia Arnaud
AssuredPartners of Northeastern Pennsylvania
John L. Augustine, III
Senator Lisa Baker
Baker Tilly
Anthony and Jeanie Bantell
Frank Barletta
Anthony Bartoli and the Bartoli Family
Jason Bella
Rob Belza
Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies
Eric Bleiler, CPA
John and Tara Bonin
Christie Bonnice
Michele and Craig Bound
James and Laura Brogna
Don & Rebecca Brominski
Chris Caleb
Christine and Thomas Campenni, Esq.
Megan and Kieran Casey, Esq.
Thomas J. Castellano MD
Gerard Champi
Robert Chepalonis
Cassandra Coleman
Commission on Economic Opportunity
Riann DeCesaris
DelBalso Family
DeMazz Inc.
Susan Elias
Patrick Endler
Kevin Engelman
Elizabeth Felsman
Melanie Ferris
Forbo Flooring
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
Nicole Gilligan
Golden Business Machines
Greater Hazleton CANO DO
John Gutkowski
Hatrak Associates, LLC
Jennifer Lee Hetro, LLC
Johnyne Hoyes
Humford Equities
Jessica Ives
Sue Jolley
Beverly Jean Johnston
Robert Judge
Jaclynn Kendzor
Stacey Kile
King’s College
Koehl Family Fund
Andrew Kudasik
Sandy Labashosky
Dan Landesberg
Luzerne County Community College
James Martin
Maternal and Family Health Services
Eric McCabe
Delbert McDermott
Jessica Meoni
Paula Mesaris
Misericordia University
Terri Morgan
Amanda Myzick Azaizeh
Joseph & Winifred Nardone
Adrienne Neary
Helen O’Brien
Terence Ostrowski
PA American Water Company
Paint the Planet Pink
Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Andrea Petrasek
C. David Pedri, Esq.
John Pekarovsky
Kathleen Raley
Julie and Bob Schaub, Esq.
Barbara Sciandra
Todd Serafin
Brian Stahl, Esq.
Jennifer Stull, Esq.
Robert Tamburo
Brian Thomas
David Tosh
William Wagner
Kimberly Warunek
Danielle and Keith Weinschenk
Rachel Wiernusz
Eric Weiss
Richard & Shannon Williams
Carl Witkowski, III
Melissa Wolf
Yudichak Family Fund of the Luzerne Foundation
Jess Yurek
John Zemetro

Mark Adams, Dallas School District
Allied Services
Phil Amend, OneSource H.R. Solutions
American Paper Bag
John Augustine, Penn’s Northeast
Bedwick & Jones Printing
Benco Dental
James Brogna, Allied Services
Tony Brooks, Wilkes-Barre Preservation Society
Lissa Bryan-Smith & Dick Smith, Community Volunteers
Thomas Caffrey, Office of Pennsylvania Governor
CEK Communications
The CEO Weinberg Food Bank
The Citizens’ Voice
City of Wilkes-Barre
Cassandra Coleman, America250PA
Community Bank, N.A.
Jim Cummings, Mericle Commercial Real Estate Services
CVS Caremark
Dallas High School
Dei Tos Family
Marie Donnelly, Better Your Odds
Pat Endler, Endler Architecture and Collaboration
Family Service Association of NEPA
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Scranton Office
F.M. Kirby Center for the Performing Arts
The Sydney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center
Matthew Hinton, Misericordia University
William Jones, United Way of Wyoming Valley
Junior Achievement of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Rabbi Larry Kaplan, Temple Israel
Stacey Kile, Geisinger Health Plan
Dan Kimbrough, Park Multi Media
King’s College
Knot Just Any Day Photography
Linde Corporation
Amber Loomis, Osterhout Free Library
Luzerne County Community College
Luzerne County Court House
Luzerne County District Attorney’s Office
Luzerne County Head Start
Gina Malsky, Downtown Arts
Martz Group
Erin McLaughlin, Positive Ed Consulting, LLC
Mohegan Sun Pocono
Larry Newman, Diamond City Partnership
NEPA Rainbow Alliance
Atty. Frank & Lori Nocito
Kenneth G. Okrepkie, Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania
Rachel Olszewski, Pennsylvania Harness Horseman’s Association
Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pittston Memorial Library
Purple Paper Eaters
Paul Rodella, Community Volunteer
Tom Scappaticci, AVANGRID
Scranton Mayor’s Office
Sky Zone Trampoline Park
Theron Solomon, Esq., Dyller Law Firm
Sundance Vacations
The Times Leader
Volunteers in Medicine
WEZX Rock 107
Rachel Wiernusz, Community Bank, N.A.
Tiffany Wiernusz, Misericordia University
Wilkes-Barre Area High School
Wilkes-Barre THINK Center
Wilkes-Barre’s Mayors Office
Wilkes University
Pamela Zuccker Lacroix, Community Volunteer